Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Focus on My Voice

It seems strange to connect a message from God to a secular movie, but when I was going through a difficult season recently, that's just what I was given...

In the movie, "Man of Steel", featuring the superhero Superman, the young Clark Kent is struggling with the abilities he was given as an alien in another world.  While seeing in x-ray vision, hearing everything around you in a super sensitive environment, and having super strength seem like fun things to have, we learn that it takes time to adapt to these abilities, and Clark goes through a lot of teasing at school for not being "normal."

One day, while being bombarded with sensory overload at school, Clark bursts out of his classroom and locks himself in a closet, covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut to the world around him.  The school calls his mother, who comes to the door of the closet to try to comfort her son.

"The world's too big, mom," cries Clark.  "Then make it small," his mother responds. 

She then says, "Focus on my voice, pretend it's an island, out in the ocean.  Do you see it?"  Clark responds yes, and is able to focus on her voice and drown out the other noise around him.  He is also able to recall this moment later in the movie when faced with adversity, and is able to overcome the challenge with this focus. (You can see the exchange here)

I was facing a similar situation recently of feeling overwhelmed by life, with challenges at work, in my personal life, and with trying to figure out God's plan for my life.  I was so overwhelmed by worries that seemed to be coming from everywhere.  While kneeling by my bedside in prayer, I heard God say, "Focus on my voice." 

Hearing the voice of the Father always brings relief into any situation, because with His voice comes peace, joy, and comfort.  His voice will always drown out the noise of everything else, if you focus on Him.  Jesus said, "and the sheep listen to his voice.  He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out." (John 10:3)

Does the world seem too big right now?  Then make it small.  Focus on God's voice, pretend it's an island, where only you and He sit, comforted by the washing of the waves, and the tranquility of God's presence.  He will lead you to "quiet waters."

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." - Revelation 3:20

-Adam Gellert

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