Sunday, August 27, 2017

What Color Were Your Shoes?

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11

In the natural world, time dominates much of how we operate our lives.  We wake up and go to sleep at certain times, we celebrate another year of being alive on our birthday, and we see the impact of time as our own mortality comes into view in our later years.  The idea of eternity is so difficult for humans since our lives are time bound, with a defined beginning and end.

So what will our eternity look like?  What will we remember from our time on earth?  It boggles the mind to think about the concept of our existence never having an end, forever living in our spiritual bodies.  What will carry through from our time in this life?

During my participation in Gateway Church's freedom program called "Kairos," a story from one presenter still sticks in my mind and has changed how I view my priorities during my time on earth. 

The presenter asked God these same questions about eternity, and God answered:

"You were in second grade, right?"  
"Yes," the man replied.  
"Do you remember what color your shoes were the first day of second grade?"  
"No," was the response. 
"Do you remember what you had for lunch the first day of school?"
Again, "no."
"But you were there, right?"
"Yes," was the reply.

Then God said, "This is what eternity will be like. You will know you were on the earth, that you were there, but that's all you will remember over the span of eternity."

This story really shook my world.  What it made so clear is that our day-to-day life, and the things we worry about most of the time, don't really matter in the long run.  My focus should be on eternity, and my relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who will be with me on the eternal journey.  And what can I be doing during my short time on earth to impact eternity - who else can I help introduce to Jesus?  How can I be a light to the world? I can see now why Jesus and his disciples were focused solely on bringing people into repentance, into a relationship with the Savior - because in the end that's all that matters. 

Knowing this truth about eternity, and the few things that will remain from this earthly experience, what are you focusing your time and attention on?  Are those things going to last, will they have eternal impact?  If not, maybe it's time to take a fresh look at your true calling and purpose as a follower of Jesus.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. -Ephesians 1:18

- Adam Gellert

For more information on Gateway's "Kairos" program,  click here.